Envestio (WATCH OUT, SCAM)

Published on 30/01/2021 / Total invested: 16,145 euros

We are now trying to find out which real and fictitious companies have appropriated our money and the rogues behind each one.

And evidence continues to be provided against the people responsible for managing the platform and they are managing with the trustee the filing of claims against some debtors.

A fine has been imposed on Arkadi Ganzin for failing to appear before the judge and I am aware that there have been several arrests.

I will inform you shortly of possible developments…

Everything that follows is the situation that we were in months ago and that must be avoided, given that the judicial process against Envestio is very advanced and we must only pay attention to the updates that I am adding in the header:

While waiting for news regarding the disconnection and disappearance of Envestio staff, I can finally write a few lines. Although the news is still confusing, an almost proven fraud by this platform has been put in the hands of the Estonian Police.

I have already sent you the corresponding documentation through the information provided by the https://www.crowdfunding-market.com/ to formalize the complaint. Now it is time to believe in the platform created by several affected people and whose most updated information seems to be found in Telegram: https://t.me/envestiodiscussion.

I still do not assume what has happened with Envestio and I still wonder why this situation has been provoked without ANYONE being able to anticipate it.

If confirmed, my losses would be 16,145 euros, although it remains to be seen whether they have disappeared with the investors’ money or it is in the hands of the companies applying for the loan.

At Envestio I invested in 20 projects, of which 9 had been returned on time and in the correct quantity:

I cannot provide any current screenshots of my account because Envestio keeps access to their website blocked.

Until the last few days, my gross profit with them had been 2,377.76 euros, as can be seen from the last capture I made:

Now, as reflected on the My Portfolio tab, I am writing off all investment made in Envestio and Kuetzal.

We have to keep rowing to achieve Financial Freedom… now that it was already close to the goal of 2500 euros per month from interest.